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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reading Reaction #4

Dear Students,
As the course comes to an end, I would like to answer these questions about the last reading:
1. Why did you select that particular reading?
2. If you could apply something from the reading to your work as a teacher, what would it be and why?
3. Of all the readings which one did you enjoy the most, and why?

I would be uploading the content and some handouts, as well as the portfolio instructions.  It is important for you to have the final reflection typed before coming to class.  If you have any question, please don't hesitate to write me an email at

See you in class,
Prof. Eva


  1. Classroom Practice: Communicative Skill-Building Tasks in CALL Environment and Enhancing and Extending learning style through Computers.
    Something that I wanted to share with my colleges, once I read the two chapters is that, it is obvious, that technology is changing the world and the way we used to do things. Even though, there are many other things that cannot be replaced or be done by machines or technological devices, but they can be excellent tools to help humans to achieve their needs in very effective ways and with much better results. When technology is accompanied by a very well organized plan and guided by a trained educator or tutor, who really knows how to accomplish the goal of teaching EFL or ESL, students will learn the target language. Also taking into account the learners’ abilities, individualities, and learning styles.
    The computer cannot think, talk, or learn the language for the students, however it can provide different scenarios and simulated experiences that can help the students to reach their goals. Therefore, as an English professor, I would like to implement in my classes the new technology using modern programs that can help my students to improve their skills about the language and at the same time to challenge them to be productive and proactive.

  2. Classroom Practice: Enhancing and extending learning styles trough computers:
    I select this article because now a day, the use of computer it is a requirement by MEDUCA in the teaching- learning process. Technology is growing up faster in Panama, for that reason teachers have to use computer and other technological devises in order to catch the attention to the students in their learning process.
    As future English teacher, something that I would like to apply from this reading is creating learner profiles. It is one way teachers and students are better equipped to make learner more challenging by creating motivating activities, focus in their abilities and make them more aware of the possibilities for learning.
    Of all the reading that I enjoy was the third one because it give us some strategies, activities and techniques in how to integrate the four English languages skill through the use of technology. I learned many interesting things about this reading, that I going to apply as English teacher in the future

  3. Something I learned from this article is that when we have students that are capable to study their own ideas and strategies when they are learning a foreign or second language through the use of technology, is that is very helpful for them and also for us as teachers because, they provide us a wide range of language experiences and preferences they have to promote their learning and to be cognitively engaged with the target language. It is useful for them because they can share with their partners and others people like friends, teachers, family members etc. the different ways in which they learn a language, understand and practice new ways of learning a second of foreign language through the technology. This is a great deal, because when learners are more conscious of their learning styles, makes better the use of learning opportunities. The computers can play a big role, in helping with the teaching and learning strategies, because with the use of technology students can organize their activities, present ideas and their different ways of learning using the computer, as computer software’s like PowerPoint to present their informative speeches and enhance and extend their learning styles. When we have all these information from our students, it will make easier our job because we can organize our lesson plans and introduce to them activities in which they’ll be focus on, like several software programs that students can use to organize data and explore the choices. I think that integrate technology, like computer softwares and others, is very helpful for students to improve their knowledge in the second or foreign language and we have to encourage them to work together and share their learning experiences to motivate the class and make it interesting.

  4. Enhancing and extending learning styles trough computers:

    This reading called my attention because it shows us the idea of the differences in learning styles and every technique that we as teacher can use and the ways of our students learn can be cover if we apply a new idea of what and how we teach through the use of technology in our daily life in the classroom.
    Another aspect that I take into account is the integration of the intelligences to get knowledge taking advantages of the diversity of skills and variety of active, creative activities for practicing and encourage our students in learning following their own styles to give them the opportunity of doing by themselves with the purpose of building their own language learning and and much more now with technology everywhere accessible of everybody; at any place , and at any time.

  5. Rosa C. de Adames
    April 15th, 2012
    By Deborah Healey
    Classroom Practice: Communicative Skill-Building Task in CALL Environment
    This reading was selected due to an interest on subject since it refers to the teaching of the several skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammar) with computers. Also, it’s because working with authentic material and practicing variety of tasks improve communication on the target language, something that all teachers need to work with learners.
    I found all reading interesting. I like very much this reading because even though, we are called to integrate language skills, it is necessary to increase performance on those skills or sub skills that students are weak, and we can do it having the tools to work with it. As a teacher, I can use software and I can share information with colleges.
    In addition, this reading gives teachers the specific sub skill or requirement needed for best results, ways to motivate learners, and practices in different stages of the language learning process.
